After a couple of days gone by since the Florida Shooting, I have been watching several different reports including the students speaking out.  It is heartfelt and compelling, however, while we may not all agree on all issues, we do agree that this can not keeping.  After the last few shootings, there seems to be talk but no action.  It is not just a gun law nor are they only weapon of choice in some cases.  There were so many red flags just like with other shootings, but this seems to be the worse.

They are loners, have a disability, posting disturbing images or letters on social media, researching on the internet, family issues, go legally in to a gun store and purchase a weapon.  In some cases they are under 20 or had investigated but not followed through.  So what now!

As I said before, which I have also heard spoke about now, you can not drink or gamble until 21 in most states.  Why should you be allowed to purchase a weapon.  One, change the age!!.  If you are a teen hunter, you usually are going out with family, therefore have to be a parent/guardian to purchase.  No individual should be allowed to purchase a AF15(I admit I am not sure what they are used for now and if there is a purpose, should be strict policies).  If a person has had any mental evaluation, domestic violence or disability they should automatically not be allowed to purchase a weapon!!

It is not to take away the rights of those who are collectors, hunters or want to be safe.   You never hear about them being the ones that have gone crazy.  To be blunt!!

Where we live are schools do have lock down drills and also the elementary school after the morning bell, doors are locked and visitors have to buzz to enter, which is great but does not always work well for high schools?

Finally, it is not just to blamed all on the present President, yes he needs to enforce change but the warning signs that missed including local laws are not his responsibility. No wonder people have gone mad and divisive, when talk shows and comedians have no respect for the Administration.

As I previously mentioned, unfortunately to those that have done nothing wrong, all warning signs and posts have to be taken seriously.  You can not tell me that officials do not have the means or resources to follow through more.  In this day of technology, especially and tech savvy people.  It needs to be gone through from the top down of the FBI(or other law agencies), Mental Institutions, Social Media sites and maybe Homeland Security assign an individual or create a new department and of course gun store owners can take it upon themselves to try to change things.  I am sure they would rather be business than out of business completely(or gun shows) than keep them in responsible hands.

Why do law-abiding citizens have to be put through the hoops to get paperwork but the true crazies get away.  Now for politicians, I am sure they devastated no matter what side they are one, so to bash them it not fair.  They need take action and vote for reasonable solutions.  Stop the violence!   Why is their so many mental health issues!  Stop the arguing!  It is just like when you are at work or in school and something is taken away from you or a program stopped because some people do not abide.  Let’s not punish the ones that are following the laws.  I also heard that the students plan to get involved and have march on Washington, which is fine hopefully they do not follow the way of the Adult protestors.  Be upset, but stay calm and peaceful and respectful.

Stay safe and come together, things are worse than ever!!!

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